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We are a group of people who have experienced Kundalini or spiritual awakenings.  We come from diverse backgrounds, and all share the experience of being in the awakening process.


We are here first and foremost to provide peer support to those who are experiencing this process. We see it as being both positive and profound, but also a journey that can be challenging to navigate.


We see Kundalini as a part of the life force within us all, that helps us become aware of our nature, guiding us through a journey to a more authentic self. As it does this we will face our unresolved psychological issues, and ultimately the dissolution of the ego as our sense of centre, and this may cause anxieties and fears to rise. This non-linear process may seem chaotic and life-shattering and hopefully this website will be a resource to help you through your process as you begin to integrate these experiences.


Although it appears that awakenings are becoming more common, we are still in a small minority, and so what you are going through may make you feel that you are alone.  The Kundalini Collective is here to provide support and comradeship.


We are not gurus or special spiritual people, we are normal people living normal lives, and as we share our stories we are building up a pool of knowledge and resources that can be helpful and supportive.


We also run regular online groups, as well as some face to face meet-ups,  where we can connect with, and support each other as we develop in our process. We hope to encourage people to create their own local meet up groups and collectives so that these resources can be shared on both a local and global level.


The most challenging part of the process is normally the beginning when one does not recognise this new awareness and fights the change. We suggest that in this situation you surrender to the process, and when you do it will become a little easier. Then, when it becomes challenging again surrender some more. As this non-linear process continues your old self will begin to dissolve and even though new ‘selves' will arise, you will begin to understand how these ‘selves’ exist as a way to operate in everyday life, rather than being a true sense of who you really are.

We believe this internal change that is happening to us is also being mirrored externally. All the inner work we do through this process is being translated into 'outer' work and this will lead to systemic change - socially, politically and technologically. In the past many spiritual traditions have spoken about the experience of unity and oneness and some about utopian societies, and during your awakening journey you may catch glimpses of this. These experiences are normally temporary and hard to sustain as we have to exist in the real world with all its dualities, and as the Tantrics might have put it, there is still karma in us to work through. However, they are important as they suggest a state of consciousness that one day can come to all of us. We believe that as more and more people engage in the feedback loop of inner and outer work, the more that our systems will become restructured leading eventually towards a world that can sustain the human experience of Unity both individually and collectively.

What's both exciting and scary about this time is that little is really known about the modern form of awakenings, as the ancient texts do not seem to encompass this new phenomena of spontaneous awakenings. In a way we are all writing the manual for this experience together. What we hope to do with this community along with other groups around the world is to help bring people together to go through this journey with more ease and be a real part of this social evolution.


Welcome to the change, welcome to this new reality and the start of the most amazing journey. 


How to use this site:

If you are experiencing a crisis then please visit the Support page and Forums for advice and recommendations on whom to contact.

We have an ongoing survey on Kundalini and spiritual awakening and a summary of the results here.


If you want to receive information about events including Zoom calls and meet-ups where you can meet others in the awakening process, or post in the forum, then sign up to become a member by clicking 'Log In' on the top right-hand corner of this page.

Once you are a member, if you want to introduce yourself, try posting in the 'Your Awakening Story' section of the forum.

Please note that we expect all members to follow our Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct includes a guide for posting which is important to read if you want to post an opinion piece.


By signing up you will receive a newsletter now and again with updates which you can unsubscribe from. Please read our Privacy Policy to learn more about what we do with your information.

Currently Wix do not offer a way for members to delete their own accounts.  If you want to have you account deleted please email us at


We have created a short survey to help us understand what may be working well, what could be improved, and explore how the Collective could further develop.


The survey is designed to be short and is two parts.


Part one is about people’s spiritual awakening journey and what has helped during challenging times. This information will be shared.


Part two is getting feedback about the site itself so we can improve services.

If you are new to the site you may just want to fill out the first section and  you can return at a later point to give us feedback on the site after you use it.


The survey is anonymous and no personal data is collected. You only need to answer the questions that you want to.


We would really appreciate if you could complete this short survey.




We hope to build this site into a library of free information about Kundalini and spiritual awakenings.  A great way to do this is through podcasts and interviews from a range of people. If you are interested in watching some videos then click on 'Podcast' in the menu.

Awakenings and Creativity


Many people who experience awakenings use creativity to channel these energies, and this website is designed to allow users to share their work either by posting in the 'Creative Work' section of the forum, or in the dedicated section, accessed via the menu.


Having an awakening can take you away from everything you know, and life can become unstable. This is why the website, meet ups adits resources will always be free. There is a cost for us to run the site and Zoom accounts, so if you find the site helpful and you are able to please feel free to donate by clicking the button below.

Privacy Policy / Deleting Accounts

As mentioned above, currently Wix do not offer a way for members to delete their own accounts.  If you want to have you account deleted please email us at

Please read our Privacy Policy to learn more about what we do with your information.


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Firstly, welcome to the Kundalini Collective. If you have any general questions please click on the Support page, or if you have any specific questions, please sign up to be a member and post the question on the forum, or contact the one to one Kundalini counsellors on the Support page. 


Please also be aware that we run regular Zoom support sessions, and occasional face to face meetups in London, which you would be welcome to attend. Talking directly to others going through the experince can be very helpful.

However, we are not equipped to respond to immediate crises. 

If you are in crisis the best way forward is to contact the Spiritual Crisis Network. They have a team of trained volunteers, many who have experienced such crises themselves' who provide both an email advice and support service and peer support groups, including a number of monthly local face to face groups and fortnightly Zoom meetings. 

Please see:


If you are experiencing a crisis you can also visit the help page and forum for advice and recommendations on who to contact.


 If you have any questions about the Kundalini Collective organisation or want to help / collaborate in any way please feel free to write a message to

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